April Showers and All They Bring


Five At-Home Activities You can Do on Your Own or with Your Kids


Use this time to have fun outside! Even if you don't have much of a yard, there are still adventures you can have with potted plants, newly formed puddles, and sticks and stones.




Activity: Compost in a Bucket

Composting is fun for several reasons. A fun addition to this video is chopping up or even blending your compostable veggie and fruit scraps. Combining random things in a blender can only be a blast! Perfect if you have an exuberant kid who can often make following a recipe impossible-here they can make their own recipe. The grosser, the better! Any container works, including old 5 gallon paint buckets, or simple sandbox buckets.


Learn & Grow: Raised Bed Gardens and Regional Gardening Advice

As we spend time at home and try to avoid the grocery stores, home gardening has perhaps never been more appealing. This month's LSU Ag Center newsletter shares how to manage raised beds for small yards. Click here to download the full newsletter.


Support Local: Native Plant Curbside Pick-Up and Delivery by Delta Floral Native Plants

If you plant it, they WILL come. Do some research on native plants that interest you, and the bugs they might attract. Even a single pot of native milkweed can lay the groundwork for a fascination with butterfly life cycles. Delta Flora Native Plants is open for business!


Activity: Build a Bug Hotel

While scavenging for brown compost matter, also look for fun things to wedge inside the holes in bricks to make bug hotels. Materials include rocks or pebbles, oyster shells, sticks, leaves, or pinecones. Check out some ideas from Little Bins for Little Hands.


Activity: Catch Critters in a Puddle with a DIY Dip Net

Watch the 4-H Youth Wetlands Program creatively reuse things around the house to make a useful tool for scientific investigations.