Fun for All Ages!

Use these resources to have some fun with students, friends and family!

How to Use these Presentations: Presentations can be viewed via Google Slides, or you can download the presentations and adjust them to meet your classroom’s needs by clicking on the link and going to File > Download > Microsoft Powerpoint.

Bitmoji Classroom: Share this Bitmoji scavenger hunt to pique interest in sustainability, through reuse crafts, music, local resources, media and more.

Virtual Paint Party Kit: Painting your house can be daunting even without a pandemic. Use this slideshow to get your family engaged while adding some fresh color to your home.

Sustainable Mardi Gras Awards: A challenge to think about what a sustainable Mardi Gras should look like, and who does it best.


We’d love to know if and how you used these resources! Let us know your experience by emailing